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If you're seeing this message, we've deactivated your community website account while we're waiting to receive your payment. Please ask your administrator to contact {{(sitedata.siteBrand == 1) ? 'Membershine' : 'HOA Start'}} at {{(sitedata.siteBrand == 1) ? '' : ''}}. We'll restore your site's full functionality once your payment arrives.

You have no messages
{{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].sentDate}}

{{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].firstName}}: {{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].message.substr(0, 20)}}{{(conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].message.length > 20) ? '...' : ''}}

* Required Information
{{message.sentDate}} - edited on {{message.modifiedDate}}













Upcoming Events

{{}} {{}} {{}}

{{event.venue}} - All Day

{{event.venue}} - {{event.startTime}}

There are no upcoming events

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showing {{committeeSearchResults.length}} of {{committees.length}} committees


This committee is invite only* Your application has been rejected* Your application is pending review* You're a Leader of this committee* You're a Member of this committee*

Committee Leaders: {{committee.leaders}}

view all members

There are no committees that match your search criteria.



{{(widget.chargedata.isFlexiblePaymentsEnabled) ? "Flexible" : priceformatter.format(widget.chargedata.amount)}}


My Upcoming Reservations

{{reservation.amenityName}} - Pending Approval

{{reservation.reservationDate}} {{reservation.startTime}} - {{reservation.endTime}} All Day

You have no amenity reservations.

My Committees


You are a leader of this committee

Your application is pending for this committee

You are a member of this committee

showing {{events.length}} of {{events.length}} events


{{event.startDate}} - {{event.endDate}} {{event.startTime}} - {{event.endTime}}




{{}}, {{event.stateAbbreviation}} {{}}

There are no events that match your search criteria.

Event Registration & Checkout

Registration Information

Please provide a city.
Please provide a state/province/region.
Please provide a zip/postal code.
* Required Information

Purchase Tickets or Packages

* Required Information

Purchase Tickets for Activities

Activity Time Price Tickets Form (if any)
{{}} view description

{{activity.startTime}} -


{{priceformatter.format(activity.ticketPrice)}} {{(activity.activityFormData.length) ? 'Click here to edit your form' : 'Click here to fill out the form'}}
* Required Information

Sponsorship Information

* Required Information

{{(eventRegistration.grandTotal > 0) ? 'Review' : 'Review'}}

{{(eventRegistration.grandTotal > 0) ? 'Review your order and make a payment.' : 'Review your registration details.'}}



{{packageName(eventRegistration)}} x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}}


Ticket x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}}




Grand Total


If you use our services or purchase additional products periodically pursuant to our terms, you authorize us to debit your bank account periodically. Payments that fall outside of the regular debits authorized above will only be debited after your authorization is obtained.

Registration Completed

Thank you for registering to this event. You will receive an email confirming your registration.

My Cart


{{eventRegistration.firstName}} {{eventRegistration.lastName}}

{{ == 1 ? "United States" : "Canada"}}



{{}}, {{stateName(eventRegistration.stateId)}} {{}}

{{}}, {{eventRegistration.internationalState)}} {{eventRegistration.internationalZip}}

{{packageName(eventRegistration)}} x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}}


Ticket x{{eventRegistration.ticketsBought}}




Grand Total


My Registered Events


{{event.startDate}} {{event.startTime}} - {{event.endTime}}





This is members only content.
Log into a members account to view it.
This is members only content. You will need to pay any outstanding dues to view it.


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* Required Information


There are no available folders.

Subfolders and Files

There are no available files.

This folder is empty.

Name Date Modified Size Actions
  {{}} {{item.timestampString}} {{item.size}}




Amenity Reservation & Checkout

Contact Information

When reserving an amenity for another member, this will bypass any form submissions, payments, document verification or any liability in terms of the member you are signing up.

Please provide a city.
Please provide a state/province/region.
Please provide a zip/postal code.
* Required Information

Reservation Information

{{(reserveAmenity.duration != 9) ? "Reservation Times" : "All Day" }} on {{}}
{{availability.startTime}} - {{availability.endTime}}

Additional Questions & Information

* Required Information

Review & Payment

{{(amenityReservation.grandTotal > 0 && !amenityReservation.anotherMember) ? 'Review your order and make a payment.' : 'Review your reservation details.'}}



Reservation Date




{{paymentMethod.brand}} {{(paymentMethod.cardinfo == 'Plaid') ? 'account via Plaid' : '************'+paymentMethod.cardinfo }} edit No Account Added Add Account

I have read, understand, and agree that if this amenity sustains damages during my reservation, I may be charged a damage fee of up to ${{formatMoney(reserveAmenity.maximumDamageFeeAmount)}} on the payment method I have supplied.

Reservation Complete

Thank you for reserving this amenity. You will receive an email confirming your reservation status.

My Reservation




{{amenityReservation.firstName}} {{amenityReservation.lastName}}

{{ == 1 ? "United States" : "Canada"}}



{{}}, {{stateName(amenityReservation.stateId)}} {{}}

{{}}, {{amenityReservation.internationalState}} {{amenityReservation.internationalZip}}



{{amenityReservation.duration}} x {{(reserveAmenity.duration == 9) ? "All Day" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 0) ? "30 Minutes" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 1) ? "1 Hour" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 2) ? "2 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 3) ? "3 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 4) ? "4 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 5) ? "5 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 6) ? "6 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 7) ? "8 Hours" : (reserveAmenity.duration == 8) ? "22 Hours" : "N/A"}} Reservation

{{priceformatter.format((reserveAmenity.perPerson) ? amenityReservation.duration * reserveAmenity.price * amenityReservation.attendees : amenityReservation.duration * reserveAmenity.price)}}

Service Fee



Grand Total






{{(widget.formdata.onePerHousehold && !widget.formdata.hasHouseholdPermission) ? 'You do not have access to voting through this form. Please reach out to the administrator.' : (widget.formdata.isCompleted) ? 'Thank you for voting in this survey.'+(widget.formdata.surveyHasExpiration ? ' This survey will end on '+widget.formdata.surveyExpirationString+'. After the survey ends the results will be available.' : '') : (widget.formdata.onePerHousehold && widget.formdata.householdCompleted) ? 'Someone in your Household has already voted. Only one vote per Household.'+(widget.formdata.surveyHasExpiration ? ' This survey will end on '+widget.formdata.surveyExpirationString+'. After the survey ends the results will be available.' : '') : 'Thank you for voting in this survey.'+(widget.formdata.surveyHasExpiration ? ' This survey will end on '+widget.formdata.surveyExpirationString+'. After the survey ends the results will be available.' : '') }}

Click Here to view the results




This survey is over. Click the button below to view the results.

Click Here to view the results



showing {{(loadedMembers < filtered.length) ? loadedMembers : filtered.length}} of {{filtered.length}} members
{{member.firstName}} {{member.lastName}}

{{member.address1}}, {{}}, {{member.stateAbbreviation}}, {{}}

{{}} {{member.emailAddress}}

Load More




{{(due.isHouseholdDue) ? 'Household Due:' : 'Member Due:'}} {{(due.isHouseholdDue) ? due.householdTitle : currentUser.firstName+' '+currentUser.lastName}}

Balance Due

{{(!due.isPaid) ? due.formattedtotalprice : '$0.00'}}

{{(due.isPaid) ? "Paid Through" : "Due Date"}}


{{(due.isPaid) ? "Paid Through" : "Due Date"}}


Your payment is late more info
Your payment is due more info
Payment Information
{{paymentMethod.brand}} {{(paymentMethod.cardinfo == 'Plaid') ? 'account via Plaid' : '************'+paymentMethod.cardinfo }} edit No Account Added Add Account

Payment History

No history for this account
Date Due Type Due Name Household Due Amount Paid Service Fee Misc/Late Fee Paid By Payment Type
{{item.timestamp}} {{(item.type == 1) ? "Member" : (item.type == 2) ? "Event" : (item.type == 3) ? "Amenity" : (item.type == 4) ? "Household" : (item.type == 5) ? "One-Time Charge" : "N/A"}} {{item.title}} {{item.householdTitle}} {{item.formattedPrice}} {{item.formattedConvenienceFee}} {{item.formattedFees}} {{(item.isManual) ? "Recorded by Admin" : (item.type == 4) ? item.firstName+" "+item.lastName : currentUser.firstName+" "+currentUser.lastName }} {{(item.isManual) ? item.formattedPriceWithFees+' ' : ''}}{{(item.descriptor.length) ? item.descriptor : "Made a payment of "+ item.amountString }} more info more info more info more info
Your account does not have permissions to view this page. If you believe this is an error, please contact your system administrator.

Member Dashboard

My Profile

{{currentUser.firstName}} {{currentUser.lastName}}
joined {{currentUserJoinDate}}
Household: {{}}




{{}}, {{household.stateName}} {{}}

Additional Members:

{{member.firstName}} {{member.lastName}}



read more

There are no newsfeed posts.



{{event.startDate}} {{event.startTime}} - {{event.endTime}}


There are no events.




There are no active forms.



{{ticket.formName}} - {{ticket.identifier}}

Submitted: {{ticket.created}}

view ticket

amend/resubmit ticket



amendment requested



There are no pending tickets.



Violation - {{ticket.identifier}}

Submitted: {{ticket.created}}

view violation



in progress

in violation







There are no pending violations.

My Documents


download file



There are no documents.

My Committees


You are a Leader of this committee.

Your application is Pending for this committee.

You are a Member of this committee.

You have no committees.

My Payments



Balance Due


make payment

Due Date



You have no payments due.

My Chats


{{conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length -1].truncatedMessage}}

open conversation

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My Reservations



{{reservation.reservationDate}} @ {{reservation.startTime}} - {{reservation.endTime}}- All Day

You have no reservations.



added {{}}

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